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Choosing firefighters as our topic, the children learned all about fire. We discussed the feeling on our skin when we are near a fire or something hot and the risks of being burned. We talked about the importance of firefighters extinguishing large fires and rescuing people trapped in a burning area.

“Fireman” shriek the children with joy as Richie, our handyman and former firefighter, walked in with his firefighter uniform on to discuss with the children his experience as a fireman, the safety equipment he used, and talked fire safety tips with the children. All of the children listened eagerly and were delighted to try on Richie’s helmet.

Using fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination, the children made their very own helmets and firefighter badges using cardboard, pasting the Scottish Fire and Rescue Logo, decorating it with a ribbon, and attempting to write their name on it.

Putting on their firefighter hats and badges, the children pretended to be firefighters and attempted to put out a raging fire that just kept relighting! The group used spray bottles filled with water to extinguish the painted flames that continued to be repainted to allow all the children to have a go. After the activity, the children discovered imaginary fires all over the plants and yard that they had to put out for most of the afternoon.



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