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Halloween Activities

Updated: Nov 3, 2021

Halloween last week was a spooky blast at Arbor Green with the children and some dedicated staff dressing up all week in their favourite costumes and joining in on a range of fun Halloween themed activities.

Our youngest, have been learning about Halloween, part of our autumn activities and what it means.

Using their fingerprints, we made spiders on wooden circles whilst adding different materials in the Bunny Room. We enjoyed counting the spiders’ legs and picking what colours they could be.

In the garden, some friendly ghosts are now on display. Created by the babies using a ball, Sellotape and tissue paper with the eyes painted on by the babies using a pipe cleaner.

Some of our older children also created ghosts using paper plates and tissues and placed pumpkins that they had decorated around the nursery. Did you decorate your house for Halloween? We would love to see the result!



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